maybe..... Its probably best for me not to disagree
an important lesson: never disagree with a short woman
It looks quite similar to anglo-saxon, so I guess that would help also....I know of a good grammar site, but the only text it has was some horrifically boring thing about Svenska Landskapslagar.....i suppose i should look for the old Icelandic stuff or something.
old icelandic stuff is ... dry. Plenty killing and action, but without any feeling. Does remind me of Silmarillion at times though; you might like it.
I'll have to try reading some never occurred to me before that it would help.
trust me: a fantastic tool. You see: writing has changed a lot the last... 800 years, but not so much pronounciation.
Everywhere else's language teaching seems so much better than over here. Not learning any foreign language until 11, and able to stop at 16, which has now been moved to is many arrogant monoglots here because of it.
The worst part is this: if you get used to learning languages, it makes it easier to learn other languages later on, but the longer you go withou learning one, the worse off you are.
I heard again recently the "everyone else should speak english" line. it is sad.
yes, it is. Though I agree taht a common language might have its uses, learning somebody's language helps understanding the culture and way of thought. I seem to remember Nietzsche saying something about that... or was it that the food influenced the language. Sorry, I am rambling.
takk very much Do you know of any places on the internet where there are texts? I am searching around.......I have found some things but not much....
There is one here:
might be a little difficult, though.
There are some very good mythological texts (like the story about the way Baldir was killed my Loke), but I am not sure how to find them in the internet. Edda, I think.
I wish I could read Hebrew.....its another one of those things I would like to learn. Thinking of it now, where can you get the Hebrew text from? I guess it must be somewhere, but i have never seen it around (not that have specifically looked for it though). Can you read hebrew??
So do I, wish, that is. I am planning on learning arabic in the near future, at least crudely.
I guess the hebrew text would be available in a place which sells original jewish texts. Not sure about the internet, though. I do not really know my way about it.
I just had some very random and irrelevant thoughts, but I thought i'd write it down here so that it is written somewhere. Some people here have their sn with a small initial letter.....others with an uppercase letter. I was thinking about whether anything could be inferred from in why someone would have a small letter or a large. Initially, I thought self confidence would favour a large letter, but that does not seem to work.....
well, I have plenty self-confidence, and I use a small initial letter, so... nah.
the reason I do not use a capital letter is, I think, partially that it is not my real name. A way of signalling that (as if it were not obvious), perhaps. Also, it looks funy, I think. Not when other people do it, but when I do it. Nope, I am not sure ...
Just a thought.Magnus Alexander corpore parvus erat
Dissenting voice of wotmania
Frightfully stubborn pacifist
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent