So Americans like American football.
That's fine - that's quite possibly healthy.
But why?
It's such a bizarre, and crappy sport.
A big bunch of men, running around in tight trousers, throwing a ball to each other.
Yes - there are parallels to the noble sport of rugby...
But rugby players don't wear half their own body weight in padding. Or big helmets. Or tight pants.
The thing that gets me is how static the game is.
You get about twelve seconds of action, followed by a few minutes of pissing about in a line.
Other American sports are great!
Basketball - nonstop action - love it.
Oh - wait - that's it.
I watched a baseball game once, and I enjoyed it.
Well...I say enjoyed...
I mean I tolerated it.
Well, I say I tolerated it...
I mean I smeared my eyeballs with jam, in the hope that angry wasps would attack.
So can some American(s) explain their love of the game?
Not the rules...
That'd take ages.
I remember Wulf`gar asked me to explain the rulkes of cricket to him once...
Boy, was that odd.
He thought the wicket keeper was there to makes plays.
He obviously didn't realises that in cricket, no one is actually supposed to do anything, until it's time for tea and crumpets
So - yeah, that's about it.