lol. no. you see: half the world (the science-part) is quite closed to me, and I go cross-eyed staring at numbers, not understanding them. your talents go in both parts, letters AND numbers.
maybe..... Its probably best for me not to disagree
Well, for a month or two (depending on the teacher). It basically consists of making us read old norse texts and guess our way though them, that, and some very little grammar (I think they think we are stupid and cannot learn any more... not that they are not very often right about that). If one knows Norwegian and English, it is quite easy, though. I think you could read it. Only thing is, you have to know which sounds are made by the different letters, and if you read it aloud, then, you can almost hear mixtures of current words.
It looks quite similar to anglo-saxon, so I guess that would help also....I know of a good grammar site, but the only text it has was some horrifically boring thing about Svenska Landskapslagar.....i suppose i should look for the old Icelandic stuff or something.
I'll have to try reading some never occurred to me before that it would help.
Everywhere else's language teaching seems so much better than over here. Not learning any foreign language until 11, and able to stop at 16, which has now been moved to is many arrogant monoglots here because of it.
I heard again recently the "everyone else should speak english" line. it is sad.
Let me know if you need help. I mean, I do not know enough of the grammar to teach anything, but I could get you texts, I guess. Though, I suppose you could get them on the internet, perhaps...
takk very much Do you know of any places on the internet where there are texts? I am searching around.......I have found some things but not much....
well, now that you mention it. I wonder what the Hebrew text says. Might be a grammatical point.
I wish I could read Hebrew.....its another one of those things I would like to learn. Thinking of it now, where can you get the Hebrew text from? I guess it must be somewhere, but i have never seen it around (not that have specifically looked for it though). Can you read hebrew??
I just had some very random and irrelevant thoughts, but I thought i'd write it down here so that it is written somewhere. Some people here have their sn with a small initial letter.....others with an uppercase letter. I was thinking about whether anything could be inferred from in why someone would have a small letter or a large. Initially, I thought self confidence would favour a large letter, but that does not seem to work.....
Just a thought.