Everyone talks about these International Laws and treaties, but I was wondering, doesn't the ruling body that makes laws for it's citizens (in a free country) have to be approved (elected) by the citizens? And if not, do they not have the right to question the tyranny imposed upon them? I do not think that Iraq has ever agreed to these "laws" and I think they have a "right" to do whatever they wish to do, just like any other nation. The US can back out of treaties and International conventions (Prisoners of war in Cuba, Anti Ballistic Missle treaty, etc.) anytime they want, thus so can any other nation. Just because the US has more money than GOD is no reason to believe America is righteous in any way. The US has murdered more people than Iraq ever has, so maybe we should think about that before we let the US take over the entire world under the blanket of the true American religion--MONEY...
~4,000,000 BC--Human race begins
~1800 AD--Population hits 1 billion.
~2000 AD........WOW
Any Questions?
Apathy is beautiful.
Help Control The Human Population, Have your Fetus Pithed.