You are more of that than I am. you at least have the confidence to do a proper job of dissenting.
lol. no. you see: half the world (the science-part) is quite closed to me, and I go cross-eyed staring at numbers, not understanding them. your talents go in both parts, letters AND numbers.
You get taught old norse in school! nice...What languages <i>don't<i> you know Mierin?
Well, for a month or two (depending on the teacher). It basically consists of making us read old norse texts and guess our way though them, that, and some very little grammar (I think they think we are stupid and cannot learn any more... not that they are not very often right about that). If one knows Norwegian and English, it is quite easy, though. I think you could read it. Only thing is, you have to know which sounds are made by the different letters, and if you read it aloud, then, you can almost hear mixtures of current words.
I know very little old norse......its one of those languages I want to learn when the time miraculaously manifests itself.
Let me know if you need help. I mean, I do not know enough of the grammar to teach anything, but I could get you texts, I guess. Though, I suppose you could get them on the internet, perhaps...
'uppan anre dune' just seems curious to say 'on one hill' immediately makes me ask 'what hill, is there only one hill there or something?'
The added sentence 'that I wil tell you of' just makes it more sensical to me.....its probably just me being crazy...
well, now that you mention it. I wonder what the Hebrew text says. Might be a grammatical point.
lol i like that idea better......did you see that post here a while back about jesus and cannabis?
lol. yes, I remember that. explained a lot.Magnus Alexander corpore parvus erat
Dissenting voice of wotmania
Frightfully stubborn pacifist
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent