Active Users:860 Time:12/03/2025 10:42:42 AM
You know what will fix you right up Spettio - 24/01/2003 04:47:01 AM

Thats right lashings of oral sex. At the very least it'll stave off complaints for at least *checks watch and calculates* three minutes.
Oh but I feel your pain and not just for my own sadistic entertainment. If its true that you are only as old as you feel then somedays you are bound to feel 150 and somedays its like you're 18 all over again. Thats right acne for Africa and a morning boner like nobodys business.

Engaged to be married to her very own Mr Rob
Once again I put the blame squarely on tight pants

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Bitchings of an old man (WARNING: Not for the weakhearted) - 23/01/2003 02:56:18 PM 267 Views
I hate being 17. - 23/01/2003 03:01:00 PM 47 Views
take my word for's a very bad trade - 23/01/2003 03:42:49 PM 26 Views
You know not what you say. *NM* - 23/01/2003 05:44:05 PM 3 Views
Sounds like a fun time you're having. - 23/01/2003 03:01:27 PM 22 Views
*NM* - 23/01/2003 03:06:07 PM 2 Views
Ugh, suppositories *shudders* *NM* - 23/01/2003 03:02:39 PM 2 Views
Sweet. - 23/01/2003 03:06:32 PM 36 Views
You suck - 23/01/2003 03:07:57 PM 30 Views
Suffering makes us stronger, Mashadarman *NM* - 23/01/2003 04:26:06 PM 4 Views
From my most favoritest philosopher ever: - 23/01/2003 06:36:59 PM 14 Views
Here's a better quote, different book - 23/01/2003 06:39:16 PM 12 Views
I feel your pain and share that slippery slope, my man. - 23/01/2003 03:08:44 PM 29 Views
Re: Monobrow - 23/01/2003 03:13:44 PM 17 Views
TMI ..... - 23/01/2003 03:08:58 PM 44 Views
I hate you - 23/01/2003 03:11:36 PM 36 Views
Re: I hate you - 23/01/2003 03:34:19 PM 37 Views
You know... - 23/01/2003 05:30:47 PM 28 Views
And? - 23/01/2003 06:06:20 PM 24 Views
Say, i got your christmas card... - 23/01/2003 03:27:34 PM 18 Views
You need TP for your bunghole! Well, soft TP, that is. - 23/01/2003 03:33:45 PM 16 Views
True Power? *NM* - 23/01/2003 03:34:56 PM 2 Views
That should do the trick - 23/01/2003 03:36:09 PM 11 Views
you already have the flames...... *NM* - 23/01/2003 03:38:43 PM 3 Views
Indeed... *NM* - 23/01/2003 03:40:04 PM 2 Views
I'm older - 23/01/2003 04:14:45 PM 23 Views
Yes young Grasshopper... it only gets worse... - 23/01/2003 05:51:54 PM 19 Views
33 years old... - 23/01/2003 06:37:18 PM 10 Views
Hmmm... 10 years yet - 23/01/2003 07:18:00 PM 7 Views
Buy Tucks, get rid of the suppositories. Tucks work very well. *NM* - 23/01/2003 10:17:17 PM 1 Views
ahahaha, you're old. - 23/01/2003 10:25:16 PM 8 Views
I'm older. - 24/01/2003 12:07:43 AM 11 Views
You know what will fix you right up - 24/01/2003 04:47:01 AM 10 Views
*points and laughs* - 24/01/2003 06:15:48 AM 9 Views
Jeez have you got lots to look forward to - 27/01/2003 10:59:36 PM 8 Views