you are a renaissance-person. No doubt about itYou are more of that than I am. you at least have the confidence to do a proper job of dissenting.
Actually, I could read this, at least partially. it is very similar to old norse, which we are partially taught in school, and if I know vaguely what it is about, I can mostly read it. However, it is good to have something to rely on, because I am never quite sure.
You get taught old norse in school! nice...What languages <i>don't<i> you know Mierin?
I know very little old norse......its one of those languages I want to learn when the time miraculaously manifests itself.
why do you think it makes more sense?
'uppan anre dune' just seems curious to say 'on one hill' immediately makes me ask 'what hill, is there only one hill there or something?'
The added sentence 'that I wil tell you of' just makes it more sensical to me.....its probably just me being crazy...
then again, they may just have been crazy munks high on ...scary herbs lol
i like that idea better......did you see that post here a while back about jesus and cannabis?