You have restored my faith in humanity.....at least wotmania version
As far as pro-war, anti-war...I don't know anyone who likes wars. When I was 18 and in danger of being sent to Vietnam, I was very much anti-war. I'm still anti-war. My daughter's boyfriend is in the 82nd Airborne. If there is a shooting war with Iraq, he's there. Overlooking the sidebar discussion of whether or not I might personally find that a good thing (just kidding ), I am not pro-war just because I am too old to fight. I sincerely hope war is avoided. I also realize that if you don't have the stick in your diplomatic repetoire, then you probably won't get what you want. I wish it wasn't that way. But it is. Take away any chance of serious consequences and there is absolutely no incentive for a rogue state to submit to international will. Maybe someday we won't need the iron fist inside the velvet glove. Someday hasn't come yet.
Da Mook
"You're not cute, you're a silver-fox sex god is what you are." LiterateDog to me, of course
"snoop elsewhere" -Pevara