1. Favourite book as a child
Terry fox's story
2. Favourite fairy tale
don't know...
3. Favourite nursery rhyme
you'd not know it, it's in French...
4. Favourite fantasy book
Right now? Wot, LotR, ASoIaF, and everything by Guy Gavriel Kay
5. Favourite non-fantasy book
The Shogun series, Sophy's world, The ants series, and everything by victor Hugo... and many many others.
6. Favourite non-fiction book
Wine and port encyclopedia
7. Favourite movie
the list is sooooooooo long! contact, Devil's advocate, Lost Highway, Star Wars, Dune, LotR, Excalibur, many others.
8. Favourite song ATM
Too numerous to count...
9. Favourite song of all time
OK, i have to stop right now. You you people really have ONE favorite book, movie, song, dish, etc? Really. sometimes I want to listen to techno music, sometimes to classical music, something to tea Party, sometimes to Our Lady Peace, or Live, or many others! I like Jazz, blues, rock, many songs and many performers. How could anyone choose? It depends on the mood, the time of year, and many other factors...Seriously.
10. Favourite fruit
11. Favourite snack
12. Favourite dessert
13. Favourite chewing gum
14. Favourite vegetable
15. Favourite flower
16. Favourite plant
17. Favourite tree
18. Favourite perfume
19. Favourite deodorant
20. Favourite colour
21. Favourite item of clothing
22. Favourite clothes shop
23. Favourite grocery shop
24. Favourite sports shop
25. Favourite jewellery shop
26. Favourite department store
27. Favourite country
28. Favourite holiday (y’know one you’ve been on)
29. Favourite type of holiday (y’know like adventure, skiing, sunbathing etc)
30. Favourite place to hang out
31. Favourite fast food place
32. Favourite ethnic cuisine (I think that is the term for it)
33. Favourite subject while you were (or still are) at school
34. Favourite wotmaniac
35. Favourite area of wotmania
36. Favourite site admin
37. Favourite chat admin
38. Favourite part of your house
39. Favourite part of your bedroom
40. Favourite part of your life
Creator of the Glistering and Shining New and Improved Advanced Warder Spoon
Warder to Corail
Disciple-restaurator of WOOPAH!™
Vice-President of BucketBaby's fanclub -She Rocks!