I remember I was looking for the possible date for the release of the next book. I typed in "Wheel of time" in the search query, and this site came up first. I clicked on the site and skipped two classes to read theories. Incidentally, there were only about 3 theories in each category (except the Taimandred discussion). Back then there was a scheduled chat for Wednesday nights so there could be people on at the same time... and randomman posted ballads. Ah, the old days... the college days... what a wonderful time! Bad Ash flamed me on the board for the my first flame because I asked a NEWBIE question that had to do with Galad and Rand being related... *laughs* back when people used to balefire eachother just to break the "No Balefire" rule...
Man now I feel old.
I believe only news and research that validates my opinion. Everything else is conspiracy and lies.