Hey, I'm all for helping but we could do so in other ways. Australia has no business in this and sending OUR troops into someone else's land for a cause NOT OUR OWN? WTP is going on? Sure, this is an alliance but Australia has no quarrel with Iraq and I'm sure, much to the anger of the Americans when I say this, we shouldn't be there.
I mean, sure, let's go and send off as many people as JH sees fit to go and help someone else with their problems while Canberra burns, most of Austalia flakes in an unbearable drought and this country continues to become a minor in global affairs. Sure, whatever.
Now I'm not the president of a nation, nor am I an advisor but President Bush needs to stop, and just listen. Stop the talk, stop the requests, stop the pushing and the shoving and just damn-well listen. Listen to what other countries have concerns about regarding this, listen to better thoughts and preferred courses of action. But until he does this and makes a final decision with EVERY course of action thoroughly considered... Australia's in the wrong place.
Here's praying that Bush cares enough to play with people, not pawns.