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Go back four weeks ago. eatbugs - 21/01/2003 09:50:58 PM

It can take you forward any amount of time.

It can take you back any amount of time.

Where do you go?

Who do you talk to?

Take a guess.

What do you want to see?

you know who.


failing that, I would like to back to the ancient roman republic and have a nice cup of tea and a sit down with some of the roman patricians matrons and politicians.


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You have a time machine . . . - 21/01/2003 09:05:15 AM 251 Views
I would go back to Elizabethan times - 21/01/2003 09:08:42 AM 23 Views
And promptly be burned at the stake for being a witch. *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:11:52 AM 4 Views
I'm good at hiding *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:33:26 AM 3 Views
I don't have a time machine *NM* - 21/01/2003 09:09:40 AM 4 Views
You don't? Geez, what's wrong with you?! *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:13:04 AM 4 Views
Re: You have a time machine . . . - 21/01/2003 09:11:02 AM 12 Views
I would go back to last Thursday... - 21/01/2003 09:20:45 AM 26 Views
Scotland 1745...something, Bonnie Prince Charlie and all that - 21/01/2003 09:22:52 AM 9 Views
Pre-Columbus Latin America *NM* - 21/01/2003 09:27:59 AM 3 Views
I go 200 years into the future - 21/01/2003 09:34:43 AM 45 Views
I like your reply - 21/01/2003 10:05:50 AM 19 Views
well, as far as I'm concerned - 21/01/2003 10:07:40 AM 19 Views
i dont know about that. - 21/01/2003 10:10:31 AM 16 Views
did you read "Time Ships" by Stephen Baxter? - 21/01/2003 05:46:55 PM 8 Views
No - 21/01/2003 07:00:44 PM 7 Views
- 22/01/2003 08:27:47 PM 4 Views
Don't be sad - 22/01/2003 08:46:53 PM 4 Views
A-level results day! - 21/01/2003 10:58:31 AM 15 Views
LOL - 21/01/2003 11:08:47 AM 8 Views
No fewer than 5! - 22/01/2003 08:32:07 AM 5 Views
I'd go back, deposit a penny 500 years ago, - 21/01/2003 02:17:55 PM 4 Views
You do know the money changed in 1971, don't you? - 22/01/2003 08:47:36 AM 3 Views
that's a good one! *NM* - 21/01/2003 03:32:32 PM 2 Views
All through history, I'm fasinated by all of it - 21/01/2003 09:46:18 AM 8 Views
No fair, I thought you could only pick ONE time *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:03:37 AM 4 Views
I cheated because I couldn't pick one, sorry my bad *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:05:36 AM 1 Views
Monday morning, then back to today.... - 21/01/2003 10:11:14 AM 16 Views
Miscellaneous free association leading to an answer - 21/01/2003 10:30:29 AM 12 Views
I'd go forward to see if I make anything of myself... - 21/01/2003 10:35:51 AM 6 Views
First, I'd do something I've wanted to do since I was a kid. - 21/01/2003 10:58:39 AM 18 Views
Eenteresting - 21/01/2003 12:08:10 PM 12 Views
I'd go to the past, but just about anything would be cool... - 21/01/2003 12:23:27 PM 4 Views
Not sure - 21/01/2003 12:23:55 PM 5 Views
Re: You have a time machine . . . - 21/01/2003 12:37:15 PM 2 Views
*sighs* - 21/01/2003 12:54:38 PM 6 Views
How did you know?? - 21/01/2003 01:26:39 PM 4 Views
I'd go back to when IBM was beginning... - 21/01/2003 02:05:37 PM 9 Views
On the lines of what Raserei said... - 21/01/2003 02:12:18 PM 8 Views
I'd like to meet my daughter as an adult... - 21/01/2003 02:48:21 PM 6 Views
where to start... - 21/01/2003 04:19:31 PM 5 Views
*goes crazy trying to decide* - 21/01/2003 05:14:41 PM 6 Views
I'm going for the fun, baby! - 21/01/2003 05:20:37 PM 6 Views
As a religious skeptic...I'd want to see the Resurrection - 21/01/2003 05:21:28 PM 5 Views
That's good. - 21/01/2003 07:31:29 PM 4 Views
No problem! *NM* - 21/01/2003 09:33:01 PM 3 Views
Rennaisance . . . or way in the future. - 21/01/2003 07:30:33 PM 5 Views
oh if I could, I would - 21/01/2003 07:42:10 PM 23 Views
Go back four weeks ago. - 21/01/2003 09:50:58 PM 11 Views
to the very beginning... - 21/01/2003 11:34:00 PM 5 Views
Oh how I only wish. - 22/01/2003 01:56:17 AM 5 Views