*sets these down in a list*
good Idea you might need them in the furture.
All very good advice, my friend. We did work out a compromise... we almost always do.
good nothing like compermiseing works everytime
The usual cycle is my wife thinks of all the things she would like to do. She then freaks out thinking about all things we need to do... this usually when she gets cranky with me. As soon as we start working, she feels a lot better and a compromise is possible.
Well we woman do have our moments when we tend to go through our cranky moments
You really do have some good ideas though... I'll have to try one sometime soon.
Just helping out a friend.And if you need anymore ideas just note me you know where I am Remembers giving Kory one of her famous hugs. He is loved and won't be forgotten."Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive,today.Heaven is like a comfortable shoe warm and cozy.