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Re: welcome back wotmania - 21/01/2003 01:04:09 PM

I guess this means you won't be getting a new server with your new "winnings".

Yeah, that's kind of a bummer. But such is life in Vegas.

Creator of wotmania
Making Admins Dance for Over a Decade

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Back from Vegas! - 21/01/2003 12:40:25 PM 339 Views
Meh - 21/01/2003 12:41:55 PM 43 Views
Re: Meh - 21/01/2003 12:45:18 PM 27 Views
Sweet! - 21/01/2003 01:06:33 PM 15 Views
Re: Sweet! - 21/01/2003 01:11:29 PM 13 Views
What blatant abuse of administorial power! - 21/01/2003 12:48:07 PM 40 Views
Re: What blatant abuse of administorial power! - 21/01/2003 01:03:47 PM 40 Views
NO! - 21/01/2003 01:49:36 PM 20 Views
LOL - 21/01/2003 06:06:26 PM 7 Views
welcome back - 21/01/2003 12:53:52 PM 8 Views
Re: welcome back - 21/01/2003 01:04:09 PM 7 Views
WB *didn't even notice Mike was gone* - 21/01/2003 12:55:49 PM 18 Views
Re: WB *didn't even notice Mike was gone* - 21/01/2003 01:04:38 PM 30 Views
- 21/01/2003 01:06:37 PM 15 Views
Re: - 21/01/2003 01:10:56 PM 23 Views
OK I understood that. Thanks dude - 21/01/2003 01:15:22 PM 10 Views
Hiya, person-who-is-back. <small dissapproval para inside> - 21/01/2003 12:57:55 PM 26 Views
Re: Hiya, person-who-is-back. <small dissapproval para inside> - 21/01/2003 01:06:55 PM 17 Views
lol... actually... - 22/01/2003 03:16:32 PM 3 Views
Just out of interest... - 21/01/2003 01:02:52 PM 14 Views
Re: Just out of interest... - 21/01/2003 01:08:18 PM 19 Views
The price of being popular - 21/01/2003 01:16:52 PM 10 Views
Ah, boss. - 21/01/2003 01:27:35 PM 13 Views
Re: Ah, boss. - 22/01/2003 07:08:23 PM 6 Views
All right for some - 21/01/2003 01:41:45 PM 2 Views
AH HAHAHA! - 21/01/2003 01:46:16 PM 8 Views
Welcome back, Mike. *NM* - 21/01/2003 01:58:10 PM 2 Views
Nice to have you back! :-D - 21/01/2003 02:21:41 PM 3 Views
You went to Vegas and DIDN'T get married?!?!? - 21/01/2003 03:19:10 PM 13 Views
LOL! *NM* - 22/01/2003 07:09:37 PM 3 Views
We're all waiting to hear the *REAL* story- ya know, loose chix, booze - 21/01/2003 05:57:47 PM 12 Views
WB. Mike i didn't notice you were gone *NM* - 21/01/2003 06:00:35 PM 4 Views
Wheres the wife? *NM* - 21/01/2003 06:32:22 PM 2 Views
isnt that a name of a movie, o no its leaving las vegas *NM* - 21/01/2003 06:34:19 PM 3 Views
I am sexy. *NM* - 21/01/2003 07:32:28 PM 3 Views
Welcome back, laddy. *NM* - 21/01/2003 07:35:58 PM 3 Views
Ahh . . . Vegas. - 21/01/2003 08:08:31 PM 3 Views
welcome back - 21/01/2003 08:19:01 PM 6 Views
welcome back *NM* - 21/01/2003 08:49:07 PM 1 Views
No matter where people go.... - 21/01/2003 10:05:28 PM 7 Views
See any good shows? - 21/01/2003 11:33:25 PM 3 Views
a couple of things........ - 22/01/2003 08:45:26 AM 5 Views