Sure, sure. That's just a cheap justification for making this post into an announement. If I were to go away for five days, come back announcing that I was going to look through my e-mails and notes, would I get an announcement?
Almost certainly not.
Really. I want to know. Would I?
See above.
Of course, if I don't post something like this then I start to getting duplicate notes/e-mails. "Why haven't you replied yet? Did you get my original note?" And so on.
*things about weather in Canada and compares it to weather in Michigan* *shudders*
Good thing one of the admins warned us; we almost didn't get the mess cleaned up and the monkeys cleared out before you opened the door. Just, uh, don't look under that bulge on the carpet. You'll have to trust me on this one.
Creator of wotmania
Making Admins Dance for Over a Decade