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Eenteresting ngallagher - 21/01/2003 12:08:10 PM

Where do you go?

Real answer: I have no clue. I think I like it just fine here.

Fake answer: I'd go twenty years in the future and hit a bookstore. I'd see how all the currently running series end (or in the case of WoT, where the characters are by Book 15), and bring back some as-yet unpublished authors to steal their work and grow famous, thus destroying the literary continuoum forever. I'll surely pay for this sooner or later.

Who do you talk to?

Real answer: It might be cool to talk with Shakespeare, just to see what he was really like.

Fake answer: Given the current advancing rate of "beauty" technology, it's a safe bet that a single glance at the supermodels of 100 years from now will kill me on the spot.

What do you want to see?

Real answer: *shrug* No clue. Maybe some famous sporting events from the past. I really don't know.

Fake answer: I already told you. Supermodels. If I appear in the future in a blackened wasteland, however, I will be totally freaked out.


Why? Why? Always asking why, are you. Look not to the future. 'Tis the present we must kill first.

Warder to starry_nite

One day.

May I suggest:

one two three four five six nine and ten
money can't buy you back the love that you had then

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You have a time machine . . . - 21/01/2003 09:05:15 AM 251 Views
I would go back to Elizabethan times - 21/01/2003 09:08:42 AM 23 Views
And promptly be burned at the stake for being a witch. *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:11:52 AM 4 Views
I'm good at hiding *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:33:26 AM 3 Views
I don't have a time machine *NM* - 21/01/2003 09:09:40 AM 4 Views
You don't? Geez, what's wrong with you?! *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:13:04 AM 4 Views
Re: You have a time machine . . . - 21/01/2003 09:11:02 AM 12 Views
I would go back to last Thursday... - 21/01/2003 09:20:45 AM 26 Views
Scotland 1745...something, Bonnie Prince Charlie and all that - 21/01/2003 09:22:52 AM 9 Views
Pre-Columbus Latin America *NM* - 21/01/2003 09:27:59 AM 3 Views
I go 200 years into the future - 21/01/2003 09:34:43 AM 45 Views
I like your reply - 21/01/2003 10:05:50 AM 19 Views
well, as far as I'm concerned - 21/01/2003 10:07:40 AM 19 Views
i dont know about that. - 21/01/2003 10:10:31 AM 16 Views
did you read "Time Ships" by Stephen Baxter? - 21/01/2003 05:46:55 PM 8 Views
No - 21/01/2003 07:00:44 PM 7 Views
- 22/01/2003 08:27:47 PM 4 Views
Don't be sad - 22/01/2003 08:46:53 PM 4 Views
A-level results day! - 21/01/2003 10:58:31 AM 15 Views
LOL - 21/01/2003 11:08:47 AM 8 Views
No fewer than 5! - 22/01/2003 08:32:07 AM 5 Views
I'd go back, deposit a penny 500 years ago, - 21/01/2003 02:17:55 PM 4 Views
You do know the money changed in 1971, don't you? - 22/01/2003 08:47:36 AM 3 Views
that's a good one! *NM* - 21/01/2003 03:32:32 PM 2 Views
All through history, I'm fasinated by all of it - 21/01/2003 09:46:18 AM 8 Views
No fair, I thought you could only pick ONE time *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:03:37 AM 4 Views
I cheated because I couldn't pick one, sorry my bad *NM* - 21/01/2003 10:05:36 AM 1 Views
Monday morning, then back to today.... - 21/01/2003 10:11:14 AM 16 Views
Miscellaneous free association leading to an answer - 21/01/2003 10:30:29 AM 12 Views
I'd go forward to see if I make anything of myself... - 21/01/2003 10:35:51 AM 6 Views
First, I'd do something I've wanted to do since I was a kid. - 21/01/2003 10:58:39 AM 18 Views
Eenteresting - 21/01/2003 12:08:10 PM 12 Views
I'd go to the past, but just about anything would be cool... - 21/01/2003 12:23:27 PM 4 Views
Not sure - 21/01/2003 12:23:55 PM 5 Views
Re: You have a time machine . . . - 21/01/2003 12:37:15 PM 2 Views
*sighs* - 21/01/2003 12:54:38 PM 6 Views
How did you know?? - 21/01/2003 01:26:39 PM 4 Views
I'd go back to when IBM was beginning... - 21/01/2003 02:05:37 PM 9 Views
On the lines of what Raserei said... - 21/01/2003 02:12:18 PM 8 Views
I'd like to meet my daughter as an adult... - 21/01/2003 02:48:21 PM 6 Views
where to start... - 21/01/2003 04:19:31 PM 5 Views
*goes crazy trying to decide* - 21/01/2003 05:14:41 PM 6 Views
I'm going for the fun, baby! - 21/01/2003 05:20:37 PM 6 Views
As a religious skeptic...I'd want to see the Resurrection - 21/01/2003 05:21:28 PM 5 Views
That's good. - 21/01/2003 07:31:29 PM 4 Views
No problem! *NM* - 21/01/2003 09:33:01 PM 3 Views
Rennaisance . . . or way in the future. - 21/01/2003 07:30:33 PM 5 Views
oh if I could, I would - 21/01/2003 07:42:10 PM 23 Views
Go back four weeks ago. - 21/01/2003 09:50:58 PM 11 Views
to the very beginning... - 21/01/2003 11:34:00 PM 5 Views
Oh how I only wish. - 22/01/2003 01:56:17 AM 5 Views