hmmm, starting at the midnight hour....
hmm yes?
in and out of chat many times, with all those cool people
They are cool yes
learned swedish from and conversed with Rana on IM
Woo how cool is that.
heard from little brother Petros on IM
Glad he is ok.
bantered with that B!tch Maddy on IM
Hey thats my baby girl
read and appreciated Larry's part one of new story
I have yet to do that.
read over a presentation to be given orally by Katinka, cheered her on
ahh a good deed as well *hugs*
talked with Krista
went to the gym
Ohh ummms ahhhs....
went to Borders
Eat out place?
made this list
Made me happy
Thanks again Di
ahh nah thankyou
*hugs muchly*
Hugs you back muchly
she had so many children she didn't know what to do
It was just a book bag but it changed my life.
*the love.... you take it with you* RIP Kory