I am saying that your presedential elections are not democratic, and with the USA taking such a high horse abroad when it comes to democracy, that causes resentment - the "who are you to say so"-syndrom.
True. I'm not too happy with Bush's foreign policy at the moment, either.
I am not all for democracy. the quote Plato: "who would you rahter have steering the boat? -the experienced captain or a selection of the most popular men on board?" However, I find that the electoral college leaves democracy behind without leaving behind all the failiours (sp?), and the resuly is a result that is sometimes just happenstance. Do you understand?
Plato has a good point there. It's how I've always felt about government. The only problem is that the captain too often ends up as a corrupt dictator. It just goes to show that there is no perfect form of government. Personally, I find the failings of democracy to be the lesser of many other evils.
I still don't agree with your assessment of the electoral college, however. The process is not 100% representational democracy in its purest form, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that it is not democratic at all. With the exception of only two elections in our history (including Bush), the winner of the electoral vote has been the same as the winner of the popular vote. As I said before, I beleive that the general acceptance of the system makes even these elections democratic. If other nations disagree, though, then we should not be trying to force democracy on non-democratic countries.
but does that not count for all parts of life?
Yes. Most Americans are very sensitive about issues related to race, though, and I doubt even the majority of informed citizens would tolerate a system that has been abused so much in the past.
Sill Reading WoT .