I am saying that your presedential elections are not democratic, and with the USA taking such a high horse abroad when it comes to democracy, that causes resentment - the "who are you to say so"-syndrom.
I am not all for democracy. the quote Plato: "who would you rahter have steering the boat? -the experienced captain or a selection of the most popular men on board?" However, I find that the electoral college leaves democracy behind without leaving behind all the failiours (sp?), and the resuly is a result that is sometimes just happenstance. Do you understand?
This began when I claimed that because Bush was elected President under a system that is accepted by Americans, his election was democratic. You responded by saying that because so many Americans do not understand the election system, they could not accept that system (meaning that the system was undemocratic because of this). Later, you said that you believe people without a certain amount of knowledge about the government should not be allowed to vote. This is where you seem to be contradicting yourself. If uninformed people are not qualified to voice their opinion, then their understanding of the election system is irrelevant; all that matters are the opinions of those who take the time to learn the election process, and the majority of this group does accept the process.
You are misunderstanding me: it is nok OK that a lot of people go around not knowing about it. I am not for just leaving the masses to their ignorance and let wiser people rule (although at times I am ).
So, my question is this: did I misunderstand anything you said? If so, what? If not, then what do you find flawed about Bush's election?
Mainly that it is sending the wrong signal. I seriously could not care less whether the USA is a democracy or not, but I AM concerned with how it works in the world.
In theory, yes. In reality, I find it very unlikely. All it takes is one person in the entire testing process who is inclined to show favoritism toward (or dislike of) a certain group, and the system is unfair. The odds that every person who oversees the testing is honest are incredibly slim.
but does that not count for all parts of life?
Magnus Alexander corpore parvus erat
Dissenting voice of wotmania
Frightfully stubborn pacifist
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent