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Re: There's more than one, surely nUUdleman - 19/01/2003 08:57:37 PM

Surely. But that was the one option (realistic or not) that I could suggest.

You are aware that, I presume, Saddam uses doubles, and those doubles supposedly do appear at his public events? Killing him isn't such a sure bet. Neither is it sure that after doing so, Iraqis would welcome us in without a fight. Also, 'dropping in' Marines relies on us having Marines available at the time, which may be trickier than you suggest.

The show about why we can't get rid of Saddam hasn't come on yet ( ), although the part about doubles was mentioned. Of course it's not sure that the Iraqi would welcome us in hospitably, but I do feel it would be safe to assume that whatever fight that's put up wouldn't be as stiff. Of course, his second-in-command could well step in and all that would change would be the leader of the regime.

I've heard lots of reasons (excuses) why the uprisings in Iraq have not been supported. The best ones have been that Islamic extremists or puppets of Iran were behind them. Sounds pretty lame, to me, though.

I agree with you on that. Regardless of whether or not they were Iranian puppets, the potential opportunity for us was far greater. Besides, the Iranians are more predictable in their anti-Americanism, so at least we'd know where they stand.

Nephew to Alana Son to Geoff Warder to Alesandra Sedai

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. ~ Mahatma Ghandi

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Iraq's nuclear program - 18/01/2003 08:48:45 PM 223 Views
Well, well well. Ponders. Thanks. *NM* - 18/01/2003 08:54:53 PM 8 Views
Another article - appears to be a Telegraph Scoop. - 18/01/2003 09:00:56 PM 17 Views
should he be playing them up, then? - 19/01/2003 08:14:28 AM 9 Views
He should not be doing either - 19/01/2003 10:27:43 AM 19 Views
true - 19/01/2003 11:07:46 AM 12 Views
No - 19/01/2003 11:17:12 AM 15 Views
I don't know... - 19/01/2003 11:20:11 AM 9 Views
Try to be a little bit realistic - 19/01/2003 11:25:39 AM 13 Views
I am - 19/01/2003 11:27:24 AM 8 Views
Also - 19/01/2003 11:30:18 AM 9 Views
put it is politicians who make the desicions - 19/01/2003 12:01:55 PM 8 Views
If you just asked the question I think you asked - 19/01/2003 12:22:31 PM 13 Views
or, more likely - 19/01/2003 04:59:28 PM 6 Views
so in other words...... - 18/01/2003 09:00:56 PM 32 Views
No, in other words - 18/01/2003 09:02:11 PM 35 Views
yes - 18/01/2003 09:09:54 PM 34 Views
How shall we get him to stop, then? *NM* - 18/01/2003 09:13:33 PM 6 Views
Re: Of course it is simple, my silly aeros. - 18/01/2003 11:12:17 PM 30 Views
Thanks for clearing that up, Fan - 18/01/2003 11:17:31 PM 18 Views
Re: No problem. - 18/01/2003 11:27:52 PM 28 Views
must you be an ass? *NM* - 19/01/2003 02:43:03 AM 6 Views
Re: Must you be an ignorant moron? - 19/01/2003 10:09:35 AM 21 Views
i am sorry, i am not your pathetic self - 19/01/2003 11:57:55 PM 10 Views
Re: Hey... seriously now. - 20/01/2003 12:27:14 AM 13 Views
grrrrrr - 20/01/2003 05:34:05 AM 10 Views
actually... - 19/01/2003 02:39:37 AM 24 Views
Re: So what do you propose? Truly, I am interested to hear. - 19/01/2003 10:11:27 AM 15 Views
more than anything...... - 19/01/2003 03:42:44 PM 15 Views
Actions rejected by wads: - 19/01/2003 04:07:42 PM 19 Views
There's one more option - 19/01/2003 06:11:24 PM 11 Views
There's more than one, surely - 19/01/2003 06:46:18 PM 11 Views
Re: There's more than one, surely - 19/01/2003 08:57:37 PM 10 Views
Re: - 20/01/2003 12:31:58 AM 9 Views
You had to ask me, didn't you? - 20/01/2003 01:00:35 AM 18 Views
::shakes head:: - 23/01/2003 11:51:52 PM 9 Views
Re: ::shakes head:: - 24/01/2003 12:44:47 PM 6 Views
Re: Smoking Gun - 20/01/2003 12:53:25 AM 10 Views
Smoking guns are guns that have been fired *NM* - 20/01/2003 01:05:39 AM 4 Views
try reading this....... - 20/01/2003 05:30:34 AM 17 Views
*shrugs* (re-read your post) - 20/01/2003 10:22:31 AM 19 Views
let's see - 22/01/2003 07:47:14 AM 14 Views
Re: Iraq's nuclear program - 19/01/2003 05:28:38 AM 18 Views
Korea, Pakistan, India - 19/01/2003 10:06:16 AM 23 Views
Re: LOL!! *NM* - 19/01/2003 10:16:31 AM 7 Views
bah... Iraq is harmless - 19/01/2003 10:03:54 PM 14 Views
Right - 20/01/2003 12:10:29 AM 12 Views
Survey - 20/01/2003 05:31:02 AM 17 Views
Gotcha - 20/01/2003 10:53:55 AM 13 Views
Re: Gotcha - 20/01/2003 11:43:47 AM 14 Views
near defeated, huh? - 20/01/2003 12:00:01 PM 12 Views
Yes, near defeated - 21/01/2003 05:37:17 AM 10 Views