In one of your earlier posts, you said:
A hughe amount of Americans are not even aware how the election system works: how can they then accept it?
This implies that, to you, the opinion of the uninformed does matter. Otherwise, why would it matter if they accepted the election system? Later, however, you say:
I have always been of the opinion that you should be required to know some certain things in order to vote. The USA demands that foreigners who are going to vote in the USA must know how it works. Why not hold those standards to the rest of the populace?
So, first you criticize America for not heeding the opinions of its uninformed citizens. You later criticize us for giving the uninformed the right to vote at all. I'm getting a mixed message here.
FYI, there is a reason why we don't have any sort of "voting test" as a prerequisite for the right to vote. Too often in our history, the South abused this method to keep blacks from voting; the voting tests would be incredibly hard, but a bad score by a white person would be "overlooked." The tests were later declared unconstitutional. If a legitimate sort of test could be developed, I would be all for it. Its potential for misuse is too great, though.
It certainly sounds like people do not care. It upsets me when people can just let politics run its course without caring.
My thoughts exactly.
And about my sig... well, I felt that it needed to be said
Sill Reading WoT .