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A whelk is a small, grey shellfish. Spoonman - 19/01/2003 05:27:45 PM

Like a cheap oyster.

If you whelk me, I would presumably get all salty...

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Trigger is not getting married. - 19/01/2003 04:41:43 PM 286 Views
your not - 19/01/2003 04:43:38 PM 15 Views
You wanna cheesecake? - 19/01/2003 04:46:09 PM 24 Views
You really have a way with the ladies, don't you Trigg? - 19/01/2003 04:47:01 PM 15 Views
but....but.... - 19/01/2003 04:47:14 PM 17 Views
Yay!!! Go, O Great One - 19/01/2003 04:49:34 PM 11 Views
Hehe. - 19/01/2003 04:52:22 PM 10 Views
Good for you! *NM* - 19/01/2003 04:54:02 PM 3 Views
what kinda cheesecake? - 19/01/2003 04:56:54 PM 1 Views
Shame - 19/01/2003 04:57:46 PM 11 Views
*hugs* Trigger is a horrible hussy! *pats* There there... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:00:52 PM 1 Views
Where are you getting all these ocelots? *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:00:59 PM 1 Views
I'm guessing Brazil. *eats some nuts* *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:02:31 PM 1 Views
Don't take this the wrong way... - 19/01/2003 05:03:04 PM 1 Views
A jungle cat. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:03:14 PM 1 Views
yeah, I was wondering that too *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:04:13 PM 1 Views
Jeese... - 19/01/2003 05:04:37 PM 1 Views
um...where did you get those nuts? *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:04:59 PM 1 Views
I have a wholesale ocelot supplier. - 19/01/2003 05:05:10 PM 1 Views
I gave them to him - 19/01/2003 05:06:38 PM 1 Views anything else? *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:08:51 PM 1 Views
- 19/01/2003 05:08:54 PM 1 Views
Stay strong! *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:09:00 PM 4 Views
From Brazil no doubt, what an amazing country! *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:09:01 PM 1 Views
bah, I already got one, what do I need more for? - 19/01/2003 05:10:27 PM 1 Views
SpongeCake is the same thing as AngelCake - 19/01/2003 05:10:47 PM 1 Views
Dude - I can fix you up with anything... - 19/01/2003 05:10:52 PM 1 Views
Yup - 19/01/2003 05:11:45 PM 1 Views
I'm flattered, but I'm just not ready for a commitment. - 19/01/2003 05:11:49 PM 10 Views
We're a dying breed, you and me Spoon. Hail the ocelot. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:11:50 PM 1 Views
That's better. - 19/01/2003 05:13:23 PM 1 Views
AngelCake? *hiss* - 19/01/2003 05:14:15 PM 1 Views any super bowl tickets? - 19/01/2003 05:14:30 PM 1 Views
Come on, dude. - 19/01/2003 05:15:11 PM 1 Views
Man, what a rake that Brazillian farmer chick has! *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:15:47 PM 1 Views
oh ok, I guess I'll work to ge more then... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:16:07 PM 1 Views
I have a Super Bowl... - 19/01/2003 05:16:53 PM 1 Views
...sure... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:17:37 PM 1 Views
Man - that's her dad - 19/01/2003 05:18:12 PM 1 Views
Boy, you gotta work. - 19/01/2003 05:19:16 PM 1 Views
The anthem is passe. You've got to do the OcelotBreakDance. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:19:42 PM 1 Views
How odd.. - 19/01/2003 05:20:00 PM 1 Views
- 19/01/2003 05:20:31 PM 1 Views
Everyone should get married once. Only once. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:21:49 PM 3 Views
Let's just say... I canned some Brazillian nuts for trade.... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:21:55 PM 1 Views
I see your point . . . - 19/01/2003 05:22:17 PM 1 Views
But I don't wanna.... - 19/01/2003 05:22:23 PM 1 Views
I bake a kickin' AngelCake, with a fluffy icing. - 19/01/2003 05:24:11 PM 1 Views
Wow - it reveals so much, yet so little... - 19/01/2003 05:24:40 PM 1 Views
Yay! *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:25:20 PM 1 Views
A whelk is a small, grey shellfish. - 19/01/2003 05:27:45 PM 1 Views
A jungle cat cheesecake? - 19/01/2003 05:30:18 PM 1 Views
Here, this OcelotSpottedSpandex should do the trick. *gives* - 19/01/2003 05:30:22 PM 1 Views
Hey, that's a traditional outfit, don't knock it. - 19/01/2003 05:33:54 PM 1 Views
See now, that stick being wood from a high humidity climate.... - 19/01/2003 05:36:33 PM 1 Views
Lederhosen are hotter - 19/01/2003 05:36:48 PM 1 Views
Well, considering a spoon is used for tasting things... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:37:59 PM 1 Views
*coughs up a fur ball* *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:39:11 PM 1 Views
Hold on, I'll fetch my power sander. - 19/01/2003 05:40:05 PM 1 Views
Correction - 19/01/2003 05:41:26 PM 1 Views
It is a Lederhosen! Only...tighter. - 19/01/2003 05:41:48 PM 1 Views
It was the claws that got me.... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:43:10 PM 1 Views
*prefers the pain of the stick, and runs* *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:44:24 PM 1 Views
Thank you much. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:46:45 PM 1 Views
Glandular? That's what they all say... - 19/01/2003 05:46:48 PM 1 Views
*stabs you with a fork* - 19/01/2003 05:47:42 PM 1 Views
Huh. That's gratitude for you. Damn nuts. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:48:15 PM 1 Views
What, the other nuts? - 19/01/2003 05:51:23 PM 1 Views
I'm a walnut, what do you expect? *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:55:51 PM 1 Views
Tail was sort of spagetti like... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:56:30 PM 1 Views
Just put what you were going to say as the title... - 19/01/2003 06:02:05 PM 1 Views
what the heck's an ocelot? *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:14:01 PM 1 Views
Sorry Trig, we can't get married in Maryland or NY. - 19/01/2003 06:14:28 PM 9 Views
The thing you made your hat out of.... - 19/01/2003 06:21:13 PM 1 Views
That rather seems to defeat the purpose, doesn't it? - 19/01/2003 06:23:56 PM 1 Views
For a second there I thought - 19/01/2003 06:25:15 PM 1 Views
is that even legal? - 19/01/2003 06:25:33 PM 1 Views
Mmmmmmm, raspberry - 19/01/2003 06:27:06 PM 1 Views
D@mn these states! - 19/01/2003 06:32:04 PM 1 Views
- 19/01/2003 06:37:50 PM 1 Views
AAAA! Biologist! Cover your genitals and run! *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:42:20 PM 1 Views
*makes you into a hat* *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:43:28 PM 1 Views
Jerk. *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:44:15 PM 1 Views
Yup, I'm full of 'em, just like I'm full of *beep* *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:45:30 PM 1 Views
Hee hee - 19/01/2003 06:47:07 PM 1 Views
*nods emphatically* True *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:48:36 PM 1 Views
Slore. *NM* - 19/01/2003 07:00:18 PM 1 Views
Same sex Civil Unions are decidedly legal. - 19/01/2003 07:03:11 PM 1 Views
You're not having the steak and cheese!? - 19/01/2003 08:17:38 PM 8 Views
I gave it to OA - 19/01/2003 09:00:57 PM 1 Views
Oh. - 19/01/2003 09:07:30 PM 1 Views
Freakishly good, in fact. *NM* - 19/01/2003 09:30:34 PM 1 Views
Whelk. *thumbs up to Spoonman* *NM* - 19/01/2003 09:32:46 PM 1 Views
Crackhead *thumbs up to me* *NM* - 19/01/2003 09:47:20 PM 1 Views
Look out it's your Aes Sedai! - 19/01/2003 09:51:49 PM 1 Views
Something about me - 19/01/2003 09:53:05 PM 1 Views
Now at least, it's clear... - 19/01/2003 10:27:12 PM 3 Views
Can i have the sandwich? *NM* - 19/01/2003 11:23:42 PM 7 Views
posts to make it 100 so that this becomes more manageable - 20/01/2003 12:06:17 AM 3 Views
posts again to get it to 101 and wonders why this isnt compact *NM* - 20/01/2003 12:07:33 AM 6 Views
replies to self, - 20/01/2003 12:09:05 AM 1 Views
Trigger has trancended into.... - 20/01/2003 12:32:24 AM 7 Views
Sure! - 20/01/2003 12:33:06 AM 25 Views
am i a pretty hat? *NM* - 20/01/2003 09:25:32 PM 1 Views
*cries* - 21/01/2003 12:07:42 PM 1 Views
Blame it on chat - 21/01/2003 12:09:20 PM 1 Views