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Stay strong! *NM* Rand al`Thor - 19/01/2003 05:09:00 PM

Trigger is not getting bonded. Trigger isn't even going to have that steak and cheese sitting in front of him. Trigger is not engaged. Trigger is just not.

Trigger may get engaged or married someday. Shoot, Trigger may even get tricked into bondedness. But not today.

That aside.

Will you marry me?

Rand al`Thor

Elayne Trakand's Warder and Alexia's Guardian!

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Trigger is not getting married. - 19/01/2003 04:41:43 PM 286 Views
your not - 19/01/2003 04:43:38 PM 15 Views
You wanna cheesecake? - 19/01/2003 04:46:09 PM 24 Views
You really have a way with the ladies, don't you Trigg? - 19/01/2003 04:47:01 PM 15 Views
but....but.... - 19/01/2003 04:47:14 PM 17 Views
Yay!!! Go, O Great One - 19/01/2003 04:49:34 PM 11 Views
Hehe. - 19/01/2003 04:52:22 PM 10 Views
Good for you! *NM* - 19/01/2003 04:54:02 PM 3 Views
what kinda cheesecake? - 19/01/2003 04:56:54 PM 1 Views
Shame - 19/01/2003 04:57:46 PM 11 Views
*hugs* Trigger is a horrible hussy! *pats* There there... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:00:52 PM 1 Views
Where are you getting all these ocelots? *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:00:59 PM 1 Views
I'm guessing Brazil. *eats some nuts* *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:02:31 PM 1 Views
Don't take this the wrong way... - 19/01/2003 05:03:04 PM 1 Views
A jungle cat. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:03:14 PM 1 Views
yeah, I was wondering that too *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:04:13 PM 1 Views
Jeese... - 19/01/2003 05:04:37 PM 1 Views
um...where did you get those nuts? *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:04:59 PM 1 Views
I have a wholesale ocelot supplier. - 19/01/2003 05:05:10 PM 1 Views
I gave them to him - 19/01/2003 05:06:38 PM 1 Views anything else? *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:08:51 PM 1 Views
- 19/01/2003 05:08:54 PM 1 Views
Stay strong! *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:09:00 PM 4 Views
From Brazil no doubt, what an amazing country! *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:09:01 PM 1 Views
bah, I already got one, what do I need more for? - 19/01/2003 05:10:27 PM 1 Views
SpongeCake is the same thing as AngelCake - 19/01/2003 05:10:47 PM 1 Views
Dude - I can fix you up with anything... - 19/01/2003 05:10:52 PM 1 Views
Yup - 19/01/2003 05:11:45 PM 1 Views
I'm flattered, but I'm just not ready for a commitment. - 19/01/2003 05:11:49 PM 10 Views
We're a dying breed, you and me Spoon. Hail the ocelot. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:11:50 PM 1 Views
That's better. - 19/01/2003 05:13:23 PM 1 Views
AngelCake? *hiss* - 19/01/2003 05:14:15 PM 1 Views any super bowl tickets? - 19/01/2003 05:14:30 PM 1 Views
Come on, dude. - 19/01/2003 05:15:11 PM 1 Views
Man, what a rake that Brazillian farmer chick has! *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:15:47 PM 1 Views
oh ok, I guess I'll work to ge more then... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:16:07 PM 1 Views
I have a Super Bowl... - 19/01/2003 05:16:53 PM 1 Views
...sure... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:17:37 PM 1 Views
Man - that's her dad - 19/01/2003 05:18:12 PM 1 Views
Boy, you gotta work. - 19/01/2003 05:19:16 PM 1 Views
The anthem is passe. You've got to do the OcelotBreakDance. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:19:42 PM 1 Views
How odd.. - 19/01/2003 05:20:00 PM 1 Views
- 19/01/2003 05:20:31 PM 1 Views
Everyone should get married once. Only once. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:21:49 PM 3 Views
Let's just say... I canned some Brazillian nuts for trade.... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:21:55 PM 1 Views
I see your point . . . - 19/01/2003 05:22:17 PM 1 Views
But I don't wanna.... - 19/01/2003 05:22:23 PM 1 Views
I bake a kickin' AngelCake, with a fluffy icing. - 19/01/2003 05:24:11 PM 1 Views
Wow - it reveals so much, yet so little... - 19/01/2003 05:24:40 PM 1 Views
Yay! *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:25:20 PM 1 Views
A whelk is a small, grey shellfish. - 19/01/2003 05:27:45 PM 1 Views
A jungle cat cheesecake? - 19/01/2003 05:30:18 PM 1 Views
Here, this OcelotSpottedSpandex should do the trick. *gives* - 19/01/2003 05:30:22 PM 1 Views
Hey, that's a traditional outfit, don't knock it. - 19/01/2003 05:33:54 PM 1 Views
See now, that stick being wood from a high humidity climate.... - 19/01/2003 05:36:33 PM 1 Views
Lederhosen are hotter - 19/01/2003 05:36:48 PM 1 Views
Well, considering a spoon is used for tasting things... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:37:59 PM 1 Views
*coughs up a fur ball* *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:39:11 PM 1 Views
Hold on, I'll fetch my power sander. - 19/01/2003 05:40:05 PM 1 Views
Correction - 19/01/2003 05:41:26 PM 1 Views
It is a Lederhosen! Only...tighter. - 19/01/2003 05:41:48 PM 1 Views
It was the claws that got me.... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:43:10 PM 1 Views
*prefers the pain of the stick, and runs* *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:44:24 PM 1 Views
Thank you much. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:46:45 PM 1 Views
Glandular? That's what they all say... - 19/01/2003 05:46:48 PM 1 Views
*stabs you with a fork* - 19/01/2003 05:47:42 PM 1 Views
Huh. That's gratitude for you. Damn nuts. *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:48:15 PM 1 Views
What, the other nuts? - 19/01/2003 05:51:23 PM 1 Views
I'm a walnut, what do you expect? *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:55:51 PM 1 Views
Tail was sort of spagetti like... *NM* - 19/01/2003 05:56:30 PM 1 Views
Just put what you were going to say as the title... - 19/01/2003 06:02:05 PM 1 Views
what the heck's an ocelot? *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:14:01 PM 1 Views
Sorry Trig, we can't get married in Maryland or NY. - 19/01/2003 06:14:28 PM 9 Views
The thing you made your hat out of.... - 19/01/2003 06:21:13 PM 1 Views
That rather seems to defeat the purpose, doesn't it? - 19/01/2003 06:23:56 PM 1 Views
For a second there I thought - 19/01/2003 06:25:15 PM 1 Views
is that even legal? - 19/01/2003 06:25:33 PM 1 Views
Mmmmmmm, raspberry - 19/01/2003 06:27:06 PM 1 Views
D@mn these states! - 19/01/2003 06:32:04 PM 1 Views
- 19/01/2003 06:37:50 PM 1 Views
AAAA! Biologist! Cover your genitals and run! *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:42:20 PM 1 Views
*makes you into a hat* *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:43:28 PM 1 Views
Jerk. *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:44:15 PM 1 Views
Yup, I'm full of 'em, just like I'm full of *beep* *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:45:30 PM 1 Views
Hee hee - 19/01/2003 06:47:07 PM 1 Views
*nods emphatically* True *NM* - 19/01/2003 06:48:36 PM 1 Views
Slore. *NM* - 19/01/2003 07:00:18 PM 1 Views
Same sex Civil Unions are decidedly legal. - 19/01/2003 07:03:11 PM 1 Views
You're not having the steak and cheese!? - 19/01/2003 08:17:38 PM 8 Views
I gave it to OA - 19/01/2003 09:00:57 PM 1 Views
Oh. - 19/01/2003 09:07:30 PM 1 Views
Freakishly good, in fact. *NM* - 19/01/2003 09:30:34 PM 1 Views
Whelk. *thumbs up to Spoonman* *NM* - 19/01/2003 09:32:46 PM 1 Views
Crackhead *thumbs up to me* *NM* - 19/01/2003 09:47:20 PM 1 Views
Look out it's your Aes Sedai! - 19/01/2003 09:51:49 PM 1 Views
Something about me - 19/01/2003 09:53:05 PM 1 Views
Now at least, it's clear... - 19/01/2003 10:27:12 PM 3 Views
Can i have the sandwich? *NM* - 19/01/2003 11:23:42 PM 7 Views
posts to make it 100 so that this becomes more manageable - 20/01/2003 12:06:17 AM 3 Views
posts again to get it to 101 and wonders why this isnt compact *NM* - 20/01/2003 12:07:33 AM 6 Views
replies to self, - 20/01/2003 12:09:05 AM 1 Views
Trigger has trancended into.... - 20/01/2003 12:32:24 AM 7 Views
Sure! - 20/01/2003 12:33:06 AM 25 Views
am i a pretty hat? *NM* - 20/01/2003 09:25:32 PM 1 Views
*cries* - 21/01/2003 12:07:42 PM 1 Views
Blame it on chat - 21/01/2003 12:09:20 PM 1 Views