A fashionable loft-type room, fairly large, unadorned red-brick walls. Maybe a large painting or two hanging on the walls. A comfy sofa and TV in one corner, with a selection of CD's and a sterio nearby, a coffee table in front of the sofa. In another: a bed, quite low off the ground, and next to it a chest of draws and a hanging rail, for clothes. Taking up the most space would be a slightly battered grand piano, and lying next to it an acoustic guitar. Bare floor boards. Maybe a rug. A couple of lamps. An artists desk in another corner, a cupboard next to it. In the last corner would be a kitchen, small, fridge next to the work-top. Maybe some fridge-magnets on the door, spelling out amusing sentences or as a remider of a trip. A note underneath one reminding me to buy milk.
Maybe a cat, dozing on the sofa.