As for my room...
This could get long...
It would be large, maybe 10 meters by
10 meters. the walls would be be black glass, with light blue windows. the floor would be black marble, with a carpet at the door.
The door would be black, sliding and automatic, useing a rentinal scan before allowing entry. From the inside, It is contraled by remote, with a small TV on the door, showing the outside to those inside.
There would be four lamps hanging from the cieling and eight lamps on the ground, one next to my bed, two on either side of the couch, two desk lamps, a lamp by the side of the desk and two in the corner.
My bed and a couch would be placed in the back of the room, in opposite corners, along the wall, facing the center. A 60 inch high res TV would be placed on the back walla and another couch is placed a few meters away. Beind the couch is a desk with a book holder, a desk lamp and candle holders. A little closer to the door is a rotating chair and a half circle desk.
Along the walls are, closest to the back on either side are dressers, each with a clock, digital or strange and mechanical. After those are book selves, lining to the front of the room, and in, towards the door. The shelves contain books on Fantasy, Sci Fi, Religion, Philosophy, dictionaries, ect...
The computer would be state of the art, facing away from the door, (Of course) ith a wireless Joystick, keyboard, optical mouse, and souround sound headphones. The speakers would be placed along the wall, with seperate systems for rthe TV and the computer. I would have my own T1 connection, and a 19" flatscreen moniter. The moniter could be rerouted to the TV, allowing me to move my wireless accesories over to the other desk, spin my chair, and face the TV.
That is it for now. Perhaps more later...
Ignator Asha'man
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
-Isaac Asimov The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills