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Iraq's nuclear program aerocontrols - 18/01/2003 08:48:45 PM

From The Telegraph

At the Ukhaider weapons depot, 90 miles south-west of Baghdad, inspectors had discovered 12 hidden artillery shells designed to carry chemical weapons. "We finally found something shaped like a weapon and not like a test-tube," said one inspector.

But while in public the inspectors were celebrating their discovery of the artillery shells, in private experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna were digesting the details of a substantially more significant find - the blueprint of Saddam's nuclear weapons project.


Once inside they found what one Western official has described as a "highly significant" batch of documents which, on closer inspection, revealed that Saddam's scientists were continuing development work on producing an Iraqi nuclear weapon.

Although these documents are this weekend still being examined by IAEA experts to establish the current state of Saddam's nuclear weapons programme, the discovery could well turn out to be the "smoking gun" that officials in the Bush administration have pinned their hopes on obtaining in order to justify launching military action against Baghdad.

When Saddam submitted his 12,000 page dossier to the United Nations Security Council at the end of last year, the Iraqi leader insisted that Baghdad no longer had any interest in developing nuclear weapons, and that Iraq's nuclear research programme had been discontinued

The documents seized at the homes of the two scientists, however, confirm what Western intelligence has been arguing all along, that Saddam is continuing with his quest to develop the first Arab atom bomb.

Ever since the inspectors arrived back in Iraq two-and-a-half months ago, Saddam has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal the true nature of his nuclear weapons programme.

I never thought I would say this, but:

Good Job, Hans Blix.


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The fall of the Baghdad wall

The fall of the Baghdad wall
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Iraq's nuclear program - 18/01/2003 08:48:45 PM 223 Views
Well, well well. Ponders. Thanks. *NM* - 18/01/2003 08:54:53 PM 8 Views
Another article - appears to be a Telegraph Scoop. - 18/01/2003 09:00:56 PM 17 Views
should he be playing them up, then? - 19/01/2003 08:14:28 AM 9 Views
He should not be doing either - 19/01/2003 10:27:43 AM 19 Views
true - 19/01/2003 11:07:46 AM 12 Views
No - 19/01/2003 11:17:12 AM 15 Views
I don't know... - 19/01/2003 11:20:11 AM 9 Views
Try to be a little bit realistic - 19/01/2003 11:25:39 AM 13 Views
I am - 19/01/2003 11:27:24 AM 8 Views
Also - 19/01/2003 11:30:18 AM 9 Views
put it is politicians who make the desicions - 19/01/2003 12:01:55 PM 8 Views
If you just asked the question I think you asked - 19/01/2003 12:22:31 PM 13 Views
or, more likely - 19/01/2003 04:59:28 PM 6 Views
so in other words...... - 18/01/2003 09:00:56 PM 32 Views
No, in other words - 18/01/2003 09:02:11 PM 35 Views
yes - 18/01/2003 09:09:54 PM 34 Views
How shall we get him to stop, then? *NM* - 18/01/2003 09:13:33 PM 6 Views
Re: Of course it is simple, my silly aeros. - 18/01/2003 11:12:17 PM 30 Views
Thanks for clearing that up, Fan - 18/01/2003 11:17:31 PM 18 Views
Re: No problem. - 18/01/2003 11:27:52 PM 28 Views
must you be an ass? *NM* - 19/01/2003 02:43:03 AM 6 Views
Re: Must you be an ignorant moron? - 19/01/2003 10:09:35 AM 21 Views
i am sorry, i am not your pathetic self - 19/01/2003 11:57:55 PM 10 Views
Re: Hey... seriously now. - 20/01/2003 12:27:14 AM 13 Views
grrrrrr - 20/01/2003 05:34:05 AM 10 Views
actually... - 19/01/2003 02:39:37 AM 24 Views
Re: So what do you propose? Truly, I am interested to hear. - 19/01/2003 10:11:27 AM 15 Views
more than anything...... - 19/01/2003 03:42:44 PM 15 Views
Actions rejected by wads: - 19/01/2003 04:07:42 PM 19 Views
There's one more option - 19/01/2003 06:11:24 PM 11 Views
There's more than one, surely - 19/01/2003 06:46:18 PM 11 Views
Re: There's more than one, surely - 19/01/2003 08:57:37 PM 10 Views
Re: - 20/01/2003 12:31:58 AM 9 Views
You had to ask me, didn't you? - 20/01/2003 01:00:35 AM 18 Views
::shakes head:: - 23/01/2003 11:51:52 PM 9 Views
Re: ::shakes head:: - 24/01/2003 12:44:47 PM 6 Views
Re: Smoking Gun - 20/01/2003 12:53:25 AM 10 Views
Smoking guns are guns that have been fired *NM* - 20/01/2003 01:05:39 AM 4 Views
try reading this....... - 20/01/2003 05:30:34 AM 17 Views
*shrugs* (re-read your post) - 20/01/2003 10:22:31 AM 19 Views
let's see - 22/01/2003 07:47:14 AM 14 Views
Re: Iraq's nuclear program - 19/01/2003 05:28:38 AM 18 Views
Korea, Pakistan, India - 19/01/2003 10:06:16 AM 23 Views
Re: LOL!! *NM* - 19/01/2003 10:16:31 AM 7 Views
bah... Iraq is harmless - 19/01/2003 10:03:54 PM 14 Views
Right - 20/01/2003 12:10:29 AM 12 Views
Survey - 20/01/2003 05:31:02 AM 17 Views
Gotcha - 20/01/2003 10:53:55 AM 13 Views
Re: Gotcha - 20/01/2003 11:43:47 AM 14 Views
near defeated, huh? - 20/01/2003 12:00:01 PM 12 Views
Yes, near defeated - 21/01/2003 05:37:17 AM 10 Views