What do we have here? The room itself isn't excessively large, just large enough to accomodate me and my stuff. There is one window with an excellent view. A comfy queen-sized bed is in one corner with a lamp on a nightstand next to it. Next to the nightstand is a spiffy little mini-fridge with food and beverages in it. There is a great number of shelves full of books. I have a spiffy entertainment system in one corner: TV, DVD, and a stereo. I have surround sound for it, with speakers all over the place. This corner is a nook of sorts with comfortable chairs and a wraparound couch for reading and hanging out. My CD rack will be chock-full of a variety of interesting CDs, everything from rock to jazz, and lots of classical music for when I'm reading. There is a map of the world on one wall. I have a desk with a black computer on it in one corner. I have a bathroom with dark marble walls and floors, with a large jacuzzi and lighting that makes the whole room sort of mysterious. There would be aromatherapy candles all over the bathroom, hundreds of them.
I'll edit in more later. This is a cool thread, BTW.
In the face of the blinding sun I wake only to find/that heaven is a stranger place than what I've left behind
~Sarah McLachlan, "Drawn to the Rhythym"
At 6/13/2003 2:25:46 PM, Kit sent me an NB hug and brightened my day