1. A pair of superbowl tickets?
um, root for the titans to make it to the superbowl and hope my name gets drawn for tix from among the season ticket holders.
2. A pair of World Cup tickets?
absolutely nothing
3. A date with (pick one) Jennifer Lopez/ Ben Affleck?
pre-peter answer: anything ben affleck wanted
now: not interested. *looks all innocent and angelic and stuff*
4. A plasma screen television?
work overtime....ask santa really really earnestly....beg peter and/or my mom for the money
5. A bit role in The Lord of the Rings movies?
eh. audition....do some unpaid gopher work
6. A central role in The Lord of the Rings movies?
um, do a nude scene that wasn't "integral to the plot"
7. A chance to play baseball for the Yankees?
um, hmmm, do the "awful" job of handing out towels in the shower room.
8. To be on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
donate 10% of my winnings to the green party
9. To be The Bachelor/ette?
well, nothin' since i'm not a bachelor
10. Another year of school?
no thanks! not now anyway, even tho i DO need to go back soon.
11. A higher-paying job?
get more training, work odd hours
12. A personal phone call from wotmania Mike?
13. A dinner with Robert Jordan?
14. A dinner with the author of your choice?
act sycophantic towards him, cook the dinner
15. A dinner with the wotmaniac of your choice?
fly to australia! coach!
16. The secret that is behind Door # 1, but you couldn't know till after you made the deal?
provide naked pix of various wotmaniacs on the internet.
btw....lookin' gooooooood gena hehehe
If It Makes You Happy
Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?