"keeskoppen" or cheese-heads in english
very open people with a big mouth (i mean this in a positive way)
should i say cheese again...
I think so...
it was ok
Dutch cheese is the best in the world
hard to tell. I guess, bad beer! Belgian beer is a lot better (especially Duvel & Jupiler & ....)
Beer is yuck
I was force to, they didn't have another brand at that place
what do you think...
Ice skating & soccer
off course, i live in Antwerp!!!
I've been there a couple of times
nothing special, i got used to them by now..
I'll take that as a compliment...
not yet, but someday...
i wouldn't mind but i am not looking specifically for a dutch...
should i answer this question??
yeeessss all these questions!!!
What about them?
thank god NO!!!
orange, orange & more orange....
I hate the orange, especially when it has something to do with soccer...
big mouth, large front theeth wearing an orange T-shirt
i do know
really, and you think I am? *points to profile*
i think so..
are you serious??? waarom zen ik nu eigenlijk toch heel den tijd in't engels aan het antwoorden??? Tis precies al laat aant worden...
tja dat weet ik ook niet..., maar in het Engels begrijpt iemand anders het ook nog
ik ken er al genoeg...
das goed, scheelt mij weer tijd
Tis nikse, gere gedaan..
Member of the Professional Lurkers Society
Bonded to Eyeless Myrddraal
proud member of WASPT
Queen of B&P
Remembering Kory
Thinking of Aimee