people I know, then tulips and the funny shoes
no one walks on clogs , but still everyone associates us with them...
Again, people I know, and funny shoes
marihuana cookies
*skips question*
doubt it. I do not like to mess with my mind.
well, yes
no, not overmuch
I don't like beer either
because a friend of mine from the Netherlands played it, and she was the first I knew from the country
they were all very nice people
no thank you, I've got my guy, and I do not think he'd like it
no, I'm very sure he won't like it
no, but I swear I am going some day
see above. I want to go bicycling there.
bicycling is very nice
not really, I like it where I am, and we are not constantly in danger of drowning...
We're not in constant danger of drowning, at least I'm not.
Flat and deep?
might be
yes, some. Let me see: Ik speel teater?
was that right? learnt it very long ago
yes but it's spelled like theater
Let me see: Ik speel teater?
was that right? learnt it very long ago Means I play theatre.
sure. would you teach me?
sure, what would you like to know?
Member of the Professional Lurkers Society
Bonded to Eyeless Myrddraal
proud member of WASPT
Queen of B&P
Remembering Kory
Thinking of Aimee