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Definitions and Predictability Xoe - 16/01/2003 05:49:24 PM

Ahhh...the gut wrenching sound of science and life colliding.

Let me explain. Newtonian physics dictate that for every action there is a reaction - for every cause there is an effect. In fact, physicists in the late 19th century were sure that within 100 years we would be able to predict the immediate future with unerring accuracy. The theory was that, the more precise the measurements, the greater the accuracy of the prediction.

But the exact opposite was proved. As measurements became more and more accurate, it was found that matter on the molecular level behaved in a determidely unpredicatble manner. In fact, you cannot ever describe with certainty exactly how a particle will behave - you can only talk about it in terms of probabilty.

And so we come to what you are addressing in your post. People, on a large scale, are easy to predict. In fact, the more we know about them, the more easily we predict how they will react.

But we encounter a problem. On a fundamental level, people are inherently unpredictable. They will surprise you when you least expect it. In fact, the more and more you get to know them, the more you are only able to talk about them in terms of how they will probably react.

People, just like particles, intract with each other. They interfere constructively and destructivly with each other. In fact, people even respond to the absence of other types of people.

So, in asnwer to your question - what shapes our beliefs? We do. In each other. And we react to form a pattern of beliefs that is consistent and reliable, complimenting each other in a way that makes a beautiful world. But are we predictable?

I don't think so...

P.S. Thanks for the of the very best I have seen, well, ever.

:: I am the speaker at the dawn of the age
:: and I stand at the door to the west.


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Random Thoughts on Perceptions and other Silly Vaguenesses. - 15/01/2003 11:22:57 PM 209 Views
I'm of a few minds on this, to be honest - 15/01/2003 11:30:34 PM 38 Views
Re: It must be difficult ordering Chinese food. - 15/01/2003 11:35:35 PM 30 Views
Chinese food makes me sick - 16/01/2003 12:11:44 AM 19 Views
Okay, maybe a serious response - 15/01/2003 11:41:10 PM 35 Views
Re: Ketchup. - 15/01/2003 11:46:09 PM 23 Views
I don't have (edit) DETAILED (/edit) opinions on those matters - 15/01/2003 11:48:00 PM 25 Views
Re: Uhh... - 15/01/2003 11:52:31 PM 20 Views
Hahaha. - 15/01/2003 11:54:15 PM 20 Views
*cough* Nietzsche? Freud, Jung, Crowley, Leary... *NM* - 16/01/2003 07:25:53 PM 15 Views
I'll give you Jung - 16/01/2003 08:45:00 PM 39 Views
I resent that you identify me with that Crime Syndicate. - 15/01/2003 11:55:37 PM 26 Views
GUBERNATORIAL - 15/01/2003 11:56:24 PM 19 Views
Re: Ah, then I apologize. - 16/01/2003 12:01:06 AM 17 Views
Liberal indeed. - 16/01/2003 12:04:27 AM 22 Views
Re: For me. - 16/01/2003 12:11:20 AM 20 Views
Re: Litmuses... - 16/01/2003 12:21:22 AM 18 Views
First you take the intuition... - 16/01/2003 01:09:19 AM 25 Views
Re: I will get to this later. (I will edit this message) *NM* - 16/01/2003 10:21:24 AM 11 Views
Re: Well. - 16/01/2003 09:16:24 PM 22 Views
Re: First you take the intuition... - 17/01/2003 09:18:29 PM 11 Views
Druid's Random Thoughts on Perceptions and other Silly Vaguenesses. - 16/01/2003 01:10:11 AM 36 Views
Re: Of course. - 16/01/2003 10:10:17 AM 18 Views
a response. - 16/01/2003 04:11:50 AM 36 Views
Re: I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. - 16/01/2003 10:01:41 AM 21 Views
hold on there, jumper. - 16/01/2003 04:42:36 PM 22 Views
You are young yet. - 16/01/2003 06:18:58 AM 30 Views
Re: You are completely incorrect. - 16/01/2003 09:47:54 AM 30 Views
Have you both read the same things? - 16/01/2003 10:26:25 AM 27 Views
Re: Nearly Identical... - 16/01/2003 04:11:42 PM 21 Views
Re: Ah, but you hit directly onto my questioning. - 16/01/2003 08:00:19 PM 18 Views
Re: Ah, but you hit directly onto my questioning. - 16/01/2003 08:46:44 PM 16 Views
Re: I see your point. *NM* - 16/01/2003 09:32:49 PM 14 Views
Definitions and Predictability - 16/01/2003 05:49:24 PM 20 Views
Re: Hm, yes. - 16/01/2003 07:44:32 PM 14 Views
What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves.. - 16/01/2003 07:11:54 PM 27 Views
Re: - 16/01/2003 07:50:52 PM 17 Views
Yeah, - 17/01/2003 06:55:37 PM 17 Views *NM* - 16/01/2003 08:50:30 PM 10 Views
What can i say, i've been reading a lot of Wilson again. *NM* - 17/01/2003 06:58:12 PM 17 Views
French Canadian Bean Soup. *NM* - 18/01/2003 01:17:46 AM 27 Views
Thank you Sir Squirrelalot! *NM* - 17/01/2003 08:01:00 PM 13 Views