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The Hello Song. Messy - 16/01/2003 01:32:17 PM

Selected parts taken from: THE HELLO SONG from the Yakko's World album
Music by Julie Bernstein, Peter Hastings and Paul Rugg.
Lyrics by Paul Rugg.


Yakko: In Germany it's "guten Tag"
Which also means "good day"
"Ni hao" is exactly how
Hello sounds in Taipei.
In Portugal it's "ola"
In Arabic, "salem"
Saying "zravo" means hello
In Macedonian.

It's "aloha" in Hawaii
They say "geia sou" in Greece
In Israel the word's "shalom"
And that means "peace".
The Italians have "buon giorno"
The Viennese, "servus"
When you're at the Eiffel Tower
Just smile and say "salut!"


Yakko: In Nepal they say "namaste"
In Sweden, "goddag"
In Thailand, "sabai dee roo"
"Dobri den" in Prague.
In the Spanish language, "hola"
The Netherlands, it's "dag"
In Japanese, "konnichi-wa"
And "hey" in Little Rock.

When you say "u hali gani"
Swahili is the tongue
In Russian it's "zdrahstvooyteh"
Which sounds way better sung.
If you're ever in Korea
"Ahnyung hahsay yo!"
And in some parts of Brooklyn
Hello is just plain "yo!"

Yay. So, that's a lot.

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In how many different languages do we all know how to say 'hello'? - 16/01/2003 12:37:04 PM 161 Views
Bonjour - French *NM* - 16/01/2003 12:37:33 PM 13 Views
Gutten Tag! - German*NM* *NM* - 16/01/2003 12:38:37 PM 9 Views
Go away. *NM* - 16/01/2003 12:39:35 PM 9 Views
I can think of at least 45 ways of calling you an idiot - 16/01/2003 12:39:53 PM 29 Views
And in English? *NM* - 16/01/2003 12:41:16 PM 10 Views
Several *NM* - 16/01/2003 12:43:57 PM 6 Views
Well? *NM* - 16/01/2003 12:44:28 PM 9 Views
Dodge, you daft eejit. Look what you've done *NM* - 16/01/2003 12:51:07 PM 15 Views
A pile of garbage by any other name.... - 16/01/2003 02:17:40 PM 17 Views
Come, you should be able to do better than that - 16/01/2003 02:33:16 PM 10 Views
LOL *NM* - 16/01/2003 08:59:41 PM 8 Views
Hei. Hei. Hei. Hallo. Hello. Ciao. Ola. Oi! - 16/01/2003 12:53:42 PM 14 Views
Hej is swedish, hi is american, hello is english - 16/01/2003 12:55:25 PM 14 Views
You editing this thread has made all the replies irrelevant *NM* - 16/01/2003 12:56:49 PM 12 Views
I know *shrugs* - 16/01/2003 12:58:30 PM 16 Views
Bonjour, Previer (for lack of Russian characters). *NM* - 16/01/2003 01:02:29 PM 8 Views
Konichiwa <-- more like good day, but... *NM* - 16/01/2003 01:30:52 PM 7 Views
The Hello Song. - 16/01/2003 01:32:17 PM 25 Views
here we go - 16/01/2003 01:34:21 PM 11 Views
Speaks the future Cambridge linguisticist: - 16/01/2003 01:50:13 PM 45 Views
Dude! I'm just trying to figure out your sig.... - 16/01/2003 02:35:13 PM 17 Views
Woah. I actually know one that you don't. - 16/01/2003 04:59:31 PM 8 Views
Actually, I did know that. - 17/01/2003 04:55:56 AM 6 Views
Sure. Steal my thunder. I don't mind. - 17/01/2003 11:29:13 AM 10 Views
Salve! - Latin & Gutentag - German *NM* - 16/01/2003 02:00:36 PM 10 Views
Salaam, in Farsi (Persian) *NM* *NM* - 16/01/2003 02:43:42 PM 13 Views
Do you speak farsi? *NM* - 17/01/2003 04:41:37 PM 9 Views
Aloha. Ciao. Moshi moshi. Hola. Wassssuuuuuup! *NM* - 16/01/2003 03:26:29 PM 6 Views
Privet, Dsrastvoitye (for russian) terve(finnish) ahoj (czech - 16/01/2003 08:38:03 PM 13 Views
umm 2 or 3 i think.. - 16/01/2003 10:49:41 PM 8 Views
Okay, here are a about twenty - 16/01/2003 10:56:41 PM 27 Views
From the Pacific - 17/01/2003 07:39:58 AM 16 Views
I can think of 3, other than english.... - 17/01/2003 11:55:15 AM 19 Views
at lot more than before now that i've read the previous responses *NM* - 17/01/2003 06:54:57 PM 6 Views
all mine aer taken *NM* - 19/01/2003 10:18:48 PM 7 Views