In keeping with the subject (kinda, plus I'm in a wierd mood)... ladies, who would like a little farmboy in you? *cough* well...
Now on another topic of a completely non-sexual... topic...ness (and not only for the ladies), what's you favourite colour?
What's your favourite food?
i hate all food...except homemade soup
How tall are you?
How heavy (of course this is only approximate, ladies ) are you? about 105 i guess...at least that's what it says on my license anyway
How old? 15
What's your preference (regarding eye colour)... brown, green, blue, or grey? green...i love green eyes and red hair
What colour are your eyes?
That's all I can think of right now... I suppose you're all glad of that, though... nah
"Goddamn it! Who gave Max Payne the power to channel?" - Edge
"Max Payne is officially Naeblis!" - Maddy