yup, *hypnotizes you* GO MAKE A SURVEY!
*is not hypnotished*
i think your swandance in the libary was weird...
oh, that was cool! A pity you weren't there!
nah, you're not mean
thank you
you're alway nice
thank you you're making me blush!
DUH...rowing is more than cool, it's...it's MEGA cool!
No it's Mega-super-extremely cool
veins can be very beautiful
why can't you just understand a little?
because we're not on the same wavelenght
yup, i like that too, but green's cooler cause plants and grass and stuff is green
no blue's better, definitely!!!
i know what you mean...
yeah..that's a stupid question to ask you
you're right, what's your favourite subject anyway?
thank you
you're welcome!
you're welcome
thanks one last blush before I leave:
Member of the Professional Lurkers Society
Bonded to Eyeless Myrddraal
proud member of WASPT
Queen of B&P
Remembering Kory
Thinking of Aimee