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that would actually work. sophy - 15/01/2003 07:34:01 PM

Hitler used lots of archeology to justify his views of the superic arial race.

We dont learn that stuff today though.....


Don't believe in Hell?...
It's still there.
You're still going!


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archeologists = nazists? - 15/01/2003 05:40:06 AM 124 Views
lol... I think. *NM* - 15/01/2003 05:42:03 AM 6 Views
archeologists = nazis, nazis = evil, Sophy = archeologist, hence - 15/01/2003 05:47:43 AM 16 Views
You are comparing me with nazis????????? - 15/01/2003 05:50:26 AM 18 Views
Revenge? Like carving bloodeagle on my face? Been there, done that - 15/01/2003 05:54:08 AM 14 Views
I never carved bloodeagle on your face. Only your back. - 15/01/2003 05:57:13 AM 11 Views
Oh, come on! - 15/01/2003 05:58:50 AM 11 Views
no, they only said Im a witch. Not that I was evil. *NM* - 15/01/2003 06:00:28 AM 6 Views
I'd like to point out, it's SSDN *NM* - 15/01/2003 06:02:05 AM 4 Views
that roleplaying thing was just too stupid, I thought - 15/01/2003 06:36:15 AM 18 Views
they never cease to surprise you.... *NM* - 15/01/2003 07:08:18 PM 3 Views
But Indiana Jones hates Nazis! *NM* - 15/01/2003 06:50:36 AM 8 Views
My thought exactly. - 15/01/2003 09:21:28 AM 9 Views
Maybe it was just a front, he is a deep cover agent? *NM* - 15/01/2003 10:21:04 AM 5 Views
Dont you dare to speak like that about Indiana Jones!!!!! *NM* - 15/01/2003 07:20:59 PM 3 Views
Just kidding *NM* - 16/01/2003 03:15:31 PM 3 Views
Sophy = evil but not Nazi - 15/01/2003 07:09:24 AM 31 Views
soapy is evil - 15/01/2003 07:58:31 AM 12 Views
lol! I love the logic of the media...... - 15/01/2003 08:38:19 AM 19 Views
that would actually work. - 15/01/2003 07:33:58 PM 8 Views
Tried to, anyway. - 16/01/2003 05:56:08 AM 5 Views
Re: Tried to, anyway. - 17/01/2003 01:52:28 AM 2 Views
that would actually work. - 15/01/2003 07:34:01 PM 4 Views
Anyone have a link to... - 15/01/2003 09:00:23 AM 8 Views
not in english *NM* - 15/01/2003 07:35:10 PM 4 Views
Nej, Sophy är en snäll arkeolog - 15/01/2003 10:34:07 AM 6 Views
tack snälla brodersvenske!!!!!! *NM* - 15/01/2003 07:36:30 PM 5 Views
why should the media print facts when innuendo is so much more fun *NM* - 15/01/2003 05:38:55 PM 4 Views
true - 15/01/2003 07:38:26 PM 3 Views
lol *NM* - 16/01/2003 06:11:14 PM 2 Views