Well, partially. The people of the city of Trondheim have a ... finer... dialect. You know... like the Queen's English. More stiff upper lip, if you know what I mean. The higher society here even say jei for I.
lol..stiff upper lip I know what you mean though....
But outside the city, they have a very strong dialect, and so it is called trønder-dialect. Also, the dialects change around the region, but they have very strong commong traits, and so they are all called Trønder-dialects, much like my dialect can be called a Romsdals-dialect.
makes sense
Oh. Wow. You are actually learning the language? Both of them; have been learning Quenya for well over a year, but intermittently (its really quite easy). Sindarin I've been learning for a month now, so I've covered all the grammar. Just need practice.