trønder? is that Trondheim dialekt? or am I ompletely out....
Well, partially. The people of the city of Trondheim have a ... finer... dialect. You know... like the Queen's English. More stiff upper lip, if you know what I mean. The higher society here even say jei for I.
But outside the city, they have a very strong dialect, and so it is called trønder-dialect. Also, the dialects change around the region, but they have very strong commong traits, and so they are all called Trønder-dialects, much like my dialect can be called a Romsdals-dialect.
(Tolkien) Elvish Linguistics mailing list, (or one of the best such lists anyway)
Oh. Wow. You are actually learning the language?Magnus Alexander corpore parvus erat
Dissenting voice of wotmania
Frightfully stubborn pacifist
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent