_the palate_ is correct. I suppose its hard to audialise* it without hearing. If it bears resemblance to ñ, then I can relate to it a little though I suppose.
I cannot think of a word in the English language who uses it. If you ever talk to a Norwegian, tell them to say "dainnse" (that is danse) in the trønder-way. They will understand. Most kan do it.
*This word is made up.........to visualise, but for a sound...*coins a new word* _audialise_ (using the latin root _audire_, to hear, as visualise uses _videre_, to see)
*is impressed* wow. I thought it was a word. I rarely meet people who goes back to the root to make new words.
(Incidentally, the habit of using undercores around important foreign words and such is an elfling thing....I really cannot help it.I never realise until too late to be worth changing them)
elfling?Magnus Alexander corpore parvus erat
Dissenting voice of wotmania
Frightfully stubborn pacifist
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent