Now I'm interested
The British Standard Handful is defined as the amount of breast that can be contained in the British Standard Hand.
There were always three schools of thought:
1. The school who felt that the BSH was the minimum required.
2. The school that read so much they didn't care.
3. The school that was grateful for whatever they could get.
Now, of course, we both know that Poms are pygmies, so Standards Australia has an Australian Standard Handful, which is much bigger
My pre-discussion opinion is Asiatic wrestler's jockstraps. But I'm liable to be persuade the other way too.
That is my pre-discussion opinion too
palmetto? who dat?
Herbal remedy for benign prostate hypertrophy - they shove it in all multi-vitamin pills that are marketed at men.Druid
The Old Man of Oz Object of Desire (retired)
The People's Front For Wongy Jnr.
"I blame Alric"