Why wait? We could discuss all sorts of things, such as my daily joy in picking up dog poo when my two boys go for a gambol.
Breasts? Over-rated I was always told, as a lad, by my under-endowed girlfriend that:
"More than a mouthful is a waste"
Then there was the engineers views about British Standard Handfuls, but we won't go into that.
Now I'm interested
For next week we could really bust the site wide open, on all sorts of grounds, with a lively discussion of what is worse? Asiatic wrestler's jockstraps or non-Jewish Semitic armpits.
My pre-discussion opinion is Asiatic wrestler's jockstraps. But I'm liable to be persuade the other way too.
[note my delicacy in this time of enlightenment]
And wad's prostate gland? And saw palmetto?
palmetto? who dat?
[he has one]
[he will be looking forward to having to take that particular herbal remedy]