I'm acting desperate? How long's that been going on? But... as for Beth and Britney... It's going SLOW. As in, I'm still in the too shy to talk to them stage
Have you figured out if you like Britney yet? You seemed a bit confused on that issue earlier. If you like her just because your friends think you should then that's not good. One my friends told everyone that I liked this guy and wanted to go out with him and I went along with it and convinced myself that I did want to go out with him. I went out with him and it was a huge mistake. I didn't even think he was attractive or a nice character before I started going out with him and the date didn't convince me either.
So think about carefully.
Okay. Lets just say purple then. OK
*nods* *nods with him*
I am, but... still I checked on the scales and and it's like 49kg.
Umm... sure. You act a year younger than you are Excellent
Okay... and when was this? about four months agao
*sighs* I know. I'm sorry about that. I just can think of anything good anymore. Just wait til I start dating. Lotsa questions then I'll be ready. I'm a professional when it comes to that
It happens to the best of us