Erikson sucks
I treat your remarks in the spirit that they were made
[lost book, stopped reading, found book, too busy to start again right now]
That sounds right. And what, may I ask, is more important than reading Erikson?
Uncle Druid! Uncle Druid!
I am ordering cable today
Of course I may not get a modem if David forgot to call them back today Which he probably did
He wouldn't be that stupid? Oh. It is David, Liverpool supporter, we are talking about, rather than the other David....?
Oh well, I just won't let him open his new toy
His own personalised shopping trolley? A hardback volume of the "100 Best Malls in America"?
[runs off to order cable]
Excellent Druid
The Old Man of Oz Object of Desire (retired)
The People's Front For Wongy Jnr.
"I blame Alric"