As in, "Wow, it's a miracle someone as dim as you is still alive and hasn't wandered into traffic and been hit yet."
I never said it was 'a right'. Simply put, it becomes the burden, the responsibility if it makes you feel better, of the strong to help keep the world in balance, protect the weak, defend justice, and yes even at times quell the evil. (I use 'evil' there for lack of a better word for Saddam. Find me the word that best describes a man who supports torture in the form of, Acid to the Face, Electrocution to genitals, Electric Drills to flesh, abuse of Children in front of their parents, burning, branding, and rape.)
It's not like the U.S. is 'acting alone' on this issue, even though the media likes to try and convince you it is. Spain, Italy, England, Ireland, Belgium, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and others all support the U.S. in its move towards military action. They may not agree on the timetable laid out, but they agree on the necessity for change in Iraq, even if through force.
As far as addressing your 'Stupid Nazi, Illogical Fascist' comment, that is sort of funny. For a split second I was going to search the web to find some sort of Fascist Nazi rant or dialogue and post it in reply to you so that you could see just how ignorant that statement was. But the idea of actually reading through a Fascist Nazi's document, and visually ingesting the ignorance and bigotry it would contain turned my stomach. By comparison, I could have written that the U.S. should collect rent from the nations of the world for letting them live on 'our planet',(A Joke people, in this case being used to help me prove my point.), and I still wouldn't have been as offensive as Nazism or Fascism. But thanks for playing. Your opinion will be duly noted, and placed with the other "Not Well Thought Out" items in my official Gibberish folder for safe keeping. I award you no points for your response, and may God have mercy on your soul.
The Seeker Of Truth
"Better to have people think you a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
...or in this case, send a Fascist Nazi accusation at someone...*chuckle*