Well, not really.
Okay, really.
See, I haven't been much good at getting to sleep lately. In fact, I haven't really been good at it since..ever. Somewhere during the tossing and turning of last night, I came to the suspicion that I may have irregular sleeping habits. I don't really know if it's normal or not, as I've never brought it up with a great many people, but my time between lights-out and sleep is an average of one to two hours. That doesn't seem quite right.
I think one to two hours is more than average. I don't know what average is, but I don't think it's that long. Myself, I'm usually asleep within fifteen minutes of turning off the light. Sometimes it can take up to a half hour, if I'm just not very tired; and when something's going on, like my semesterly struggle to find money to feed the vampiric leech-vulture that is college tuition, it can take me, yes, up to two hours of tossing and turning.
For my routine, I usually just lay there until I fall asleep. I make sure before I go to bed that I've used the...washroom...crazy Canadians...anyway, that can keep me up really easily, so I make sure I don't need to do that again. Then I turn off the light and pretty much just lay there with my eyes closed until I pass out. Sometimes I'll think about stuff, sometimes not; it doesn't really affect the rate at which I fall asleep, I don't think.
Stories grow from everywhere, they’re like some hideous alien moss that can just sprout up.
--Joss Whedon