Dunno, hop on the wotmania bandwagon?
I left pig's feet under the floorboards in a house I used to live in because the ppl I lived with were total asses. Then, I moved out that's not very nice
Hmmm, that isn't a question I'm qualified to answer. I try to be as nice a possible... have no idea what goes wrong from there
lol, i think you're nice
Moved to London. Then I undid it by moving back
why did you move back?
The eyes and the smile.
just eyebrows
I like blue, because I do.
Naw, they're just machines...
they are evil! believe me!
Sociology (in high school), Legal systems of Asia and Africa at Uni.
sounds interesting!
I think your English is great and so are you. i disagree...
Cool *hugs*
Aes Sedai to my lovely warders: Lord Psynister, Eyeless Myrddraal, Hash, Jed & Malkier Fighter
Belz' HugMistress
Thinker's my boytoy!
John is my F-G stalker
thinking of her brother Kory