Might be a bit intelligent to think about padding for the game. Teddy Rosavelt while President of the US actually made a plea to the colleges to reform the Nobel American sport of Football so that it wouldn't die. Most of the Universities had outlawed it by the time he got into office because of injuries.
They are allowed light padding on the shoulders - cuts down on broken collarbones a bit, but it isn't suited to the nature of the sport - all the players need speed an mobility as well as scrums, rucks and malls (they're hard to explain) but padding wouldn't help with them at all
Unless UK goes and dissolves the Monarchy. I keep seeing articles written about how people in UK don't like paying taxes to figure heads. I also recall something about changing the House of Lords from a Hereditary and Life long appointment to electable positions. Iunno. UK has a great economy and has a decent voice for the public in politics, so I really don't see the need for it, but I don't live there.
It's more that people object to the fact that distant relatives of the Royal Family, cousins twice removed and the like, who are often wealthy any way still get given money or free houses
Um... yea. About that. I've played foot ball with only 5 people before. Granted my dad was QB for both sides and there were only two people on a side, but it can happen. It's always better to have more tho. The more the merrier.
same with football (non US kind)
Yea, I did. I got thrown out of the club for being "too violent." Go figure.
I'd have thought that kind of misses the point of boxing?
John Maynard Keynes Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone
Patternweaver's fiancé