a) And there are men that dont have a problem with their penis (can I say that on here)
But you can't really see that through jeans.
b) I am not saying that men oggling is right in any sence, I do believe that being a gentleman has basically gone out the window as far as aour society is concerned, but, there are outfits that scream look at my breasts, to those women who wear those I have no sorrow.
Yeah, women who ask for the attention... Well, that's there perogative.
But there are women who would rather that men, or people in general didn't stare, yet they can't really avoid having their breasts out there.
c) whats with the shut up, there is no need to get worked up over this
I wasn't getting worked up... When I typed it, it was in a different tone of... voice? It was ment as a friendly little, "yeah, whatever" Not, "You're stupid, be quiet". I love Escobar, I'd never be mean to him.
Aes Sedia
Time doesn't stop... it's so sad.
Mob Mistress to Lord Escobar, Dirty Mob Doctor
The bonded/bondee of The Dirty Escobar as well.
Taters?? What's taters?