Actually, I'm usually about twenty minutes to an hour before I fall asleep once I actually turn the lights out and apply head to pillow, though sometimes it's longer. A question for you: are you like me in school the next day, where you find your eyes half closing during lectures, yet as soon as you can hit the computer and get on wotmania you suddenly become a little more awake? Just wondering.
Oh, yeah, back to the sleeping issue. I sometimes read before falling asleep (I should do that more often, come to think of it), and I always get up and use the washroom if the need arises. I also shift positions when I find I'm not falling asleep. I close my eyes and try to think of little while concentrating on breathing. I'm not sure if it works or not, since I never have any memory of the time spent half-awake in the darkness; all I know is that I wake up sometime in the morning (usually about a minute before the alarm goes off ... ugh).
I always sleep on my side, and occasionally on my stomach, but never on my back. I usually pull my upper leg upward a bit. I like to keep one hand beneath the pillow for some reason (who knows, maybe if a masked murderer comes in, he'll think I have my hand on a gun under there and reconsider his actions; my life may have been unknowingly saved a dozen times over by this harmless habit). Other than that, I can't really think of anything.
Sweet dreams.
Warder to starry_nite
One day.
May I suggest:
one two three four five six nine and ten
money can't buy you back the love that you had then
This message last edited by ngallagher on 1/15/2003 at 2:57:08 PM.