I am not necessarily disagreeing with you. I simply feel as though the doctor's choice of markings is immature and inappropriate, and I can understand his patients feeling violated because of it.
I felt this was honorable since it made reference to the College of Medicine where I received my medical degree.
Riiiiiiight. I am a big alumni supporter of my alma mater, with both my time and my disposable income. There are lots of socially acceptable ways in which one can express one's school spirit. Couldn't he just as easily have marked the hemispheres with "R" and "L" to 'maintain his orientation'? Yes. But he thinks it is funny, cute, clever, whatever, to use the initials of his favorite school. I disagree, and as I said in my original response, I wouldn't sue him over it...I would just find another doctor whose values were more in line with my own.
Assuming, of course, that my HMO let me
Alric has bats in the attic. ~Larisa