To all of you who have never been forced to go a day without food, yet complain about the system that feeds you, shut the hell up.
To all of you who have never been forced to breathe air so polluted you can't see through it, yet gripe and complain about the environmental standards of the country that provides that air, shut the hell up.
To all of you who have never been in need of an education that was impossible to obtain, yet use the very education that has been freely given you to deconstruct and denounce the country that gave it to you, shut the hell up.
To all of you who have never been sick with no way to get to a doctor, yet scream and yell about the nation's health care, shut the hell up.
To those of you who have never had to live in fear of an insane dictator or factious army, yet feel free to judge those that provide that very secruity, shut the hell up.
To those who use the technology that would not be possible without this society to down, disown, and disrespect this society, shut the hell up.
To all you anti-American Americans who don't do any research on subjects before you spout your mouth off, who have probably never been overseas in your life, who have been given more, thanks to the very society you decry, than most people in this world could even dream of, shut the hell up.
P.S. Saidin7, shut the hell up.